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The challenge of branding of schools is second to no other industry

One needs to deeply understand the organization and it’s offer, competition, challenges relevant to the industry, the parents expectations and then put forth clear objectives for the brand.

The goals may incorporate higher parent and employee satisfaction, lower staff attrition and higher engagement, higher no. of leads, increase in school ranking etc.

Beyond these challenges which are very similar to corporate the education sector has unique challenges which cannot be ignored as schools deal with kids. With more no. of schools, online schools, playschools, junior schools coming up the schools today need to relate and speak to the parent community like never before. Not only does the school needs to communicate what do they offer to the students but they also need to communicate how they are differentiated to the competition. Not to forget the constant guidance to stay in tune with the times and the struggle with budgets.

Schools have very little thought on building the brand and are involved more in day to day challenges on safety of kids, academic delivery, bringing in new admissions and stay within budgets.

However to bring in new admissions, retain staff and make parents proud of being part the school needs to build a strong brand. One needs to position the school, build the identity of the school in line with the school vision and mission and yet be differentiated from any other competition. The school might be doing very well in academics or sports but if the perception is that your school doesn’t do well in academics then there is a branding challenge to address.

Post covid the first touch point for the parent today is the online presence that school has, be it the website, social media pages or online press coverage. Important to ensure that all of these are well aligned to the brand identity and the brand promise made to the parent.

Beyond the clarity that is needed to get the core promise right, the school needs to work out strategies to get the employee and parent engagement to a level wherein they become the ambassadors of the school.

Thankfully there is a way!! The book details out the complete journey of building school as a robust brand.

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